Known Issues

SSH keys with Windows instances

There are certain limitations regarding using various types of SSH keys with Windows instances. While all normal SSH keys work while simply connecting to an instance, there are limitations to consider if you want to use the SSH key to retrieve the Admin password.



Retrieve password in CLI

Retrieve password in GUI

How to create key


ssh-keygen -t ed25519


ssh-keygen -t ecdsa

rsa (regular)

sh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096

rsa (PEM with passphase)

sh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM

rsa (PEM without passphase)

sh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -m PEM

We have the following recommendations for SSH keys:

  • You should always, if possible, protect your SSH key with a strong passphrase

  • ed25519 is the strongest type overall. Use this if you don’t have a reason to use something else (e.g. retrieve Admin password on Windows)

  • ecdsa is OK, but there is no reason to use this over ed25519

  • RSA is OK but is getting old. We think that it’s probably just a matter of time before RSA becomes obsolete and considered insecure

(Jan 2023) New vGPU licenses in OSL

New NVIDIA Compute licenses have been issued in the OSL region. We are transitioning to a new licensing setup as the previous scheme will be end of life in July 2023. The old licenses are expired. New licensing implies new license servers with slightly different configuration, and the configuration resides in the instances. In order to use the new licenses in OSL, issue the following command from the instance:

sudo curl | bash

Note that this URL is only accessible from NREC IP ranges. You should always be vary of piping stuff from URLs directly into bash as root. In order to just display what would be done when running the command above, run the command without piping to bash, i.e.:


After running the command, you should see that the vGPU is licensed:

$ nvidia-smi -q | grep -A2 'vGPU Software Licensed Product'
    vGPU Software Licensed Product
        Product Name                      : NVIDIA Virtual Compute Server
        License Status                    : Licensed (Expiry: 2023-1-31 11:32:22 GMT)

Note that this is only needed for existing instances. New GOLD images issued February 1 2023 will come preconfigured with new licenses.

CentOS 8 downstream end-of-life December 31, 2021

A policy change from the CentOS team changed the end-of-life date from 2029 to the end of 2021, instead shifting focus to the CentOS Stream distribution. The difference being that Stream is an upstream release for RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), as opposed to a downstream distribution as it has been hitherto. The Stream distribution will release packages one minor release ahead of RedHat Enterprise Linux, and for some this represents a stability consern. This has prompted a community response in the form of two new downstream RHEL distributions, Alma Linux and Rocky Linux.

The NREC Team now provides GOLD images for Alma Linux, Rocky Linux, and CentOS Stream 8. Existing CentOS 8 instances can easily be converted to either mentioned distributions, or you can create new instances. The NREC team will provide more information on how to proceed in due time when CentOS 8 reaches end of life.

Please refer to gold-image for more information on available GOLD images.

API access

All new users will get a pass phrase to use against the API when they provision a personal project (see Logging in). There are no means of retrieving this pass phrase at the moment. Please contact us in case it is lost.

Console considerations

The instance web console is configured for EN keymapping. This may be an issue for users with other locales, like NO. If you experience problems with keymapping (for instance, special characters may map to unexpected keys, or not at all), change keymapping for your local browser to EN. This is done differently in different operating systems. Please refer to the operating system documentation.

Console doesn’t appear

We’ve recently made some changes to the console which requires you to reboot your instance. Note that you’ll have to power cycle from within Openstack, soft rebooting doesn’t help. We’ve made a short guide on how to do that here

SSH keys different in API and dashboard

For now, when uploading SSH keys through the dashboard, those keys are not accessable from the API (and vice versa). Work around this issue by uploading the SSH keys both via dashboard and via the API.

Booting instance from a volume

Booting instances from volumes is an experimental feature. Several features do not work when the instance is bootet from a volume: If you create a snapshot of the instance, the snapshot will not be bootable. You can, however, turn off the instance and create a volume snapshot of the bootdisk. Also, it is not possible to attach another volume to the instance. These constrains should be fixed in future upgrades.

Maximum number of volume attachments to an instance

Currently a bug in the upstream software stack used in our service prevents more than six volume attachments to a single instance. When a user try to attach more volumes than six, the attempt will silently fail.

Network availability

To use the access web page you are required to use a computer at your educational institution. Currently this usually implies the wired network only at the universities and colleges that are authorized for access.

No access after changed email address

Sometimes a user’s primary email address changes. This is an issue due to how Dataporten uses this email address as the user ID, and thus the user ID and demo/personal projects in NREC is the same as this address. The issue might arise when users e.g. changes their status from student to employee or vice versa. If this situation applies, then please send an email to which includes your current and previous primary email addresses. You will then receive further instructions on how to proceed.

Outdated size

As we have updated flavors, the users that have had access to the larger machines may now notice new size status “Outdated” on the Horizon dashboard. Those flavors are not available anymore, but it will not affect the running instances.

Missing network when provisioning from snapshot

Debian 9, 10

IPv6 is broken in an instance started from a snapshot, and this can also affect the original instance. If the resolver addresses is configured using their IPv6 addresses, even IPv4 is affected. This issue appears regardless of which network is selected for the instance. Here is a workaround:

  1. Log in to the instance as the debian user

  2. Remove the IPv6 dhclient leases file:

    rm /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient6.eth0.leases
  3. Log out and shut down the system

  4. Create a snapshot

  5. The original instance might be restarted at this point

You should now be able to create new machines based upon this snapshot and get fully functional networks.

CentOS 7


This issue only affects CentOS 7 instances provisioned from our GOLD image before 2019-01-01. As of January 1, 2019 the GOLD image for CentOS 7 is upgraded to CentOS 7.6, and the networking setup has been fixed.

There is an issue with CentOS and provisioning instances from a snapshot. This is due to a local workaround we have added to mitigate a bug in the CentOS cloud-init package. This bug is fixed in CentOS 7.6 onwards. However, for instances originally provisioned with CentOS 7.5 or older this is a problem. Here is how to fix this:

  1. Log in to your instance as the centos user

  2. Make sure that the instance is fully updated:

    sudo yum upgrade -y
  3. Make sure that the instance is running at least CentOS 7.6 (example):

    [centos@centos ~]$ cat /etc/centos-release
    CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)
  4. Install the NetworkManager package:

    sudo yum -y install NetworkManager
  5. Enable the NetworkManager service:

    sudo systemctl enable NetworkManager
  6. Remove the file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg:

    sudo rm /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg
  7. Create a file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/custom-networking.cfg with the following contents:

      version: 2
          dhcp4: true
          dhcp6: true

After this change, you should be able to take a snapshot from the instance, and use that snapshot to provision other instances. Networking should just work. Note that we have introduced a significant change to the original instance. This instance should be rebooted after the changes, if possible.

Cannot delete DNS zones or records in dashboard

Currently, the GUI module for the DNS service has a Javascript bug which prevents deletion of zones and records from the GUI. Preliminary testing suggests that thus bug is fixed in the next release of Openstack (the “Rocky” release). An upgrade to the “Rocky” release is planned later this year. For now, zones and records can be deleted using the API, for example via the command line (CLI):

Web GUI does not list all records or zones if more than 20 is defines

There is a bug in our version of OpenStack Horizon (the Web GUI) where it does not list more than 20 records or zones. No indication of this is present. Workaround: Use CLI.

Instance name

We recommend you to name your instances only with [a-zA-Z0-9] characters to avoid any maintenance issues.

Security Groups caution

When creating security groups via the API (e.g. Terraform), be as explicit as possible when setting parameters. In one case we discovered that opening a port range for all IPs without explicitly setting for the remote-ip parameter (which is default) opened all ports for all IPs. We routinely report bugs to Openstack developers, however, this is how to work around the problem for now.

Security group rules created in the dashboard are not affected by this bug, however, make sure your CIDR notation is correct and make sense to avoid having Openstack correcting it by guessing what your intentions are. Use a CIDR calculator if you’re unsure.

Users are always advised to ensure their security group rules work as intended in regards to both IP and port filtering.

Security Groups rule description

It is not possbile to add description to a security group rule due to a bug. This will hoepfully be fixed in future upgrades.

Can choose both IPv6 and dualStack

It is possible, when creating an instance, to select more than one network on a single host. As described in IPv6 or dualStack you should only select one network.

If an instance has more than one network enabled, it will most likely not work correctly. In order to fix this issue, do the following:

  1. Shut down the instance

  2. In the GUI, select Detach Interface and select the network you wish to remove

  3. Start the instance

It may take a few minutes for the instance to become available with the fixed networking setup.

GOLD image may vary between regions

As our GOLD images are built separately for each region, and not necessarily on the same day, the base upstream image may be altered between the builds. Thus there may be some differencies between instances started at the same time in our two regions, even though they may seem to be started from the same GOLD image.